The Remote Patient Support Playbook

The Remote Patient Support Playbook
The Remote Patient Support Playbook: Chapter 1 - The Present
The digital healthcare landscape is undergoing a shift toward more accessibletools, greater patient engagement, and more efficient medication adherence. The ability to engage and educate patients in real-time is a major advantage ofdigital health solutions. This includes providing providers with …
The Remote Patient Support Playbook: Chapter 2 - Bringing Healthcare back home
The home has been a focal point for health care delivery for centuries.Homeopathy, naturopathy, and even modern allopathic medicine were developed athome. The home has always been a critical first stop for health care, and itstill is. As recent case studies have demonstrated, telehealth, remote …
The Remote Patient Support Playbook: Chapter 3 - The enabling technologies
2020 has accelerated the pace of digital health tech by a decade or moreAt the same time, healthcare providers are still seeking ways to improve patientexperience by incorporating more virtual care into their overall strategy toensure an easier and more cost-effective way to connect with patients…
The Remote Patient Support Playbook: Chapter 4 - Beyond Wearables
The first generation of wearable technology suffered from inflated expecations.Fast forward to 2020 and wearable technology is growing at a rapid pace. Inaddition to Fitbit, Apple and Jawbone make the top five list of wearabletechnology innovators. We are at the stage of reconciling the hype aro…
The Remote Patient Support Playbook: Chapter 5 - Diabetes Management
The 6 keys to management of diabetic care at home1. Consistent monitoring: Diabetes requires consistent monitoring. Telehealthcan enable round-the-clock digital monitoring, giving providers a 24-hourprofile and a better understanding of the patient’s condition. 2. Support for lifestyle modifica…
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